Building Value,


& Trust

ACI Capital Group is a European real estate investment firm. Founded in 2016, we are dedicated to structuring

and management of Luxembourg investment vehicles

that implement our diverse investment strategies.

Our founding partners, each with 20+ years experience in real estate, finance, and corporate management, provide ACI Capital Group with a solid background and proven performance. We are focused on building value and creating superior returns for investors through our portfolio of financial offerings.

We have a long-established history investing in real for our investors across asset types and market cycles with more than 35+ investments realized in the Americas and Europe. Since 2016, ACI Capital Group has focused exclusively on residential and commercial sector.

Ethos and Philosophy

Through smart investments we have the power to change the lives of our buyers, families and tenants.

The Law of Rhythm &

The Nature of ACI

Everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Everything goes through cycles, and everything has a rhythm or a pattern. What seems to be random is actually very orderly.

The law of rhythm also governs our real estate sector, stock markets, industries, politics and even health.

We at ACI Capital Group base our investment philosophy on these cycles. We believe the Law of Rhythm applies to the securities and real estate industries world-wide since their cycles, rhythms and patterns are easily visible when you know how to look at and interpret them.


The nature of ACI Capital Group is about harnessing these real estate and securities cycles to build value for our investors. We are committed with to understanding world-wide markets, industry segments and geographic opportunities to stay ahead of evolving world economics, which every day become more volatile and demanding.


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